The Leadership of Learning

It is often assumed that Aspiring Senior Leaders, and Senior Leaders themselves, engage in self-directed PD by reading and attending conferences and workshops. These individual professional learning tracks, though, don’t always contribute to the development of the school, and in particular, to developing the next generation of leaders for the school.

This presentation, The Leadership of Learning, is intended for Educational Leaders with responsibility for planning, facilitating, or supporting leadership development in their school. I will share my experience and strategies for how I ensure leadership development programs don't just contribute to developing aspiring senior leaders, but also develop senior leadership capabilities during the process.

Within the next 15 minutes, I will share with you 6 evidenced based strategies for developing leaders at all levels within your school.

These 6 strategies are articulated in the first 6 chapters of my book, and are sequenced to ensure maximum impact for any leadership development pathway.


Focus Inquiry Interview Demonstration


Supporting Peer Continuous Professional Development as a Middle Leader