Summer Reading List and Peer Learning

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Hello *|FNAME|*,

Before we break for summer, I want to share with you:

  1. My 15-minute interview with LeeAnne Lavender on why leaders need to be good story tellers,
  2. A summer reading list,
  3. Advice on networking if you attend any workshops this summer, and
  4. ACAMIS’s Peer Learning Community.

#1 Every Leader Needs to be a Storyteller

Good leadership is always characterized by effective communication. Effective communication is a very broad characteristic, but taken as a whole, it is the most important skill a leader needs to master. In this interview, LeeAnne Lavender shares why leaders need to be good story tellers.  

#2 Summer Reading List 

Summer is almost here. What books will you be reading on your flights, in a lounge chair or at some cozy café? Click here or scroll down to view a list of books that were recommended by my workshop participants, as well as books that I am personally interested in reading.

#3 Advice on Networking

If you will be attending workshops this summer, then please remember my advice from March, when I wrote about the importance of making every relationship count. These workshops come at a considerable cost, both in money and time, so be sure to watch my 30-minute video tutorial on how to authentically network to help socialize and sustain the professional learning experiences. 

#4 Peer Learning Communities!
I am incredibly excited about PeerSphere’s launch of the ACAMIS Peer Learning Community. My colleagues and I have created 40 professionally hosted peer learning communities. Several of these communities are perfect for Middle Leaders and you can learn more about them by visiting the ACAMIS Website. I have also recorded this 15-minute presentation on what the PLCs are and how you will benefit from joining one.
I wish you all safe travels and fun adventures this summer,


If you want to share this newsletter in whole or in part with friends and colleagues please identify the author, Michael Iannini, and here is a link to the blog post:

Every Leader Needs to be a Storyteller

In this interview LeeAnne Lavender shares with us why every leader needs to be a good storyteller and how you can become one.

Peer Learning Communities

If you have 15 minutes and want to learn about what has me excited for the Fall of 2023, watch this recording of an information session about my new initiative, PeerSphere's Peer Learning Communities.


Middle Leaders - Getting Promoted

This is a community specifically for middle leaders looking to advance their career at their current school and are in need of some inspiration and career development advice to achieve that aim.

Middle Leaders - New to Leadership

During our five 90-minute online sessions over the course of the school year we will explore timely and relevant topics, share best practices, collaborate with peers from similar contexts, and expand our professional network. 

EARCOS Leadership Conference

I am really excited to have been invited back to this incredible leadership conference. I will be leading workshops on Delegation, Mentoring and on how to inspire all staff to lead, especially those without a title.

I have compiled two lists of books this year, one recommended by participants from my middle leader workshops and the other is a list of books I have recently come across that I want to read.

Dare to Lead By Brené Brown

"Approaching work with curiosity, open-mindedness and courage, leaders can create safe spaces for their teams to communicate honestly and collaborate more productively."

Creating Mindful Leaders By Joe Burton

This book captures mindfulness, emotional intelligence and resilience and provides deep insights & easy practices based in neuroscience and positive psychology.

How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

A timeless guide in communicating effectively and making the best of any circumstance.

School Leaders Matter By Dr. Helen Kelly

I highly recommend this book to all school leaders. My interview with Helen is one of my highest rated and viewed interviews. From what I see, Helen has already generated a lot of buzz about this book and has facilitated several book studies.

The Power of Flexing: How to Use Small Daily Experiments to Create Big Life-Changing Growth By Susan Ashford

"If you liked James Clear's Atomic Habits you'll love learning more about the science behind these ideas. If you want to grow as a leader, you need to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. How? Try flexing with small experiments! Over time, these flexes will build into new habits and a whole new life."
Nicole Coomber, management and organization, Office of Experiential Learning

Read the full list of recommended books
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