How to Empower Middle Leaders?
Based on Hidden in Plain Sight: Realizing the Full Potential of Middle Leaders
In this webinar Michael will identify how Senior Leaders can help pull teams from the silos that exist across the school. One of 3 strategies shared in this webinar will be guidance on how to establish a collaborative Middle Leadership team. A high functioning Middle Leadership team is essential in ensuring alignment from the top to the bottom. Alignment with the school’s guiding statements and strategic objectives will be the primary focus of this webinar, and in particular Senior Leaderships role for clearly stating the expected outcomes and Middle Leaderships role for identifying the outputs their teams can produce to achieve the desired outcome.
Lastly, Michael will address the reality that not all teams in a school are equal. Some will be higher functioning than others and for this fact the expectation for each team should be different. These differences are often the result of teams being in different stages of development. The last strategy Michael shares in this webinar will be for Middle Leaders, and specifically how they can setup ‘sandbox’ for their teams to collaborate effectively in.
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My book study for Hidden in Plain Sight: Realizing the Full Potential of Middle Leaders ensures you not only identify practical steps you can take to develop yourself as a leader but ensure that you are engaging with peers and senior leaders throughout the course of this program.